松油是以松节油为原料经水合、分馏而成,该产品广泛用于日用清洗、杀菌、消毒剂及高档油墨、涂料溶剂和矿石浮选起泡剂。 Pine oil is a kind of terpine which is compounded from turpentine is the chemical processing of neutral reaction; it can be used as daily lift wash agent, disinfectant, high quality ink, painting solvent and mineral floatation agent. 包 装:53加仑镀锌铁桶。包装规格如下表,或按客户要求。 Packaging: 53 gallon galvanized iron drum. The packaging specifications are shown in the table below, or according to customer requirements.
技术指标 Technical specifications 企业标准 Enterprise Std. Q/SP 3-2013 |